Açıklaması C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor Hakkında 5 Basit Tablolar

Açıklaması C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor Hakkında 5 Basit Tablolar

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Aşağıdaki şekilde Kisi isminde oluşturduğumuz derslikı oluşturduğumuz liste nesnesine ekleyelim.

Here's an example: I had a project once where our lists got very large, and resulting fragmentation of the large object heap was hurting performance. We replaced List with LinkedList. LinkedList does not contain an array, so all of a sudden, we had almost no use of the large object heap.

Eric LippertEric Lippert 656k182182 gold badges1.3k1.3k silver badges2.1k2.1k bronze badges 14 12 How do you know what the caller needs though. For instance I was switching one of my return types to a IList then I well I am probably just going to enumerate over them anyways lets just return an IEnumberable.

The accepted answer by @DavidMills is quite good, but I think it sevimli be improved upon. For one, there is no need to define the ComparisonComparer class when the framework already includes a static method Comparer.Create(Comparison). This method dirilik be used to create an IComparison on the fly.

List is a specific implementation of IList, which is a container that yaşama be addressed the same way bey a linear array T[] using an integer index. When you specify IList bey the type of the method's argument, you only specify that you need certain capabilities of the container. For example, the interface specification does not enforce a specific veri structure to be used.

In case of using IList, the caller is always guareented things C# IList Nasıl Kullanılır to work, and the implementer is free to change the underlying collection to any alternative concrete implementation of IList


the method, it dirilik make a huge difference -- if they have an array and you're asking for a list, they have to change the array to a list or v.v. whenever calling the method, a total waste of time from both a programmer C# IList Neden Kullanmalıyız and performance POV.

List implements those ebe methods (not including extension methods), on ferde of that it özgü about 41 public methods, which weighs in your consideration of which one to use in your application.

On the other hand, when returning an object out of a C# IList Kullanımı function, you want to give the user the richest possible grup of operations without them having to cast around. C# IList Kullanımı So in that case, if it's a List internally, return a copy kakım a List.

In this case you C# IList Kullanımı could pass in any class which implements the IList interface. If you used List instead, only a List instance could be passed in.

You accept an Interface birli a parameter for a method because that allows the caller to submit different concrete types bey arguments. Given your example method LogAllChecked, the parameter someClasses could be of various types, and for the person writing

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